A birthday tribute to the (half-naked) father of Pilates
Den 9. december 2014 var det den 130. fødselsdag for Joseph Hubertus Pilates (1883-1967), hvis træningsmetode oprindeligt blev kaldt Contrology. Idag kendt som Pilates, og praktiseres i tusindvis af studier rundt om i verden.
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Pilates didn’t create the method just for women who wanted longer legs, flat abs, and pretty arms in sleeveless dresses. The inception of Contrology came with a need to improve the health ailments he had as child, like asthma, rickets, and rheumatic fever. He studied up on human anatomy and spent hours pumping iron, wrestling (which cost him an eye!), and zenning it up on the yoga mat. The result was not just a healthy immune system, but a bod that got him hired as an anatomy chart and Greek god statue model as a young man.